The Way I Am - Eminem

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Rather Rude Wakening

Let's see the sun had barely peeked over the horizon line when a loud blaring noise sounded in the recently renovated hallways of the 6th floor. Turns out it was the fire alarm right outside my apartment. There was panic in the air, as I jumped out of bed in my pajamas, running towards the closet, grabbing my sweater and throwing on my socks and shoes...I couldn't help but think that it was all just a dream but reality hit when I burst out into the hallway. Smoke was coming from the stairwell to my left...I ran with all of my might in the opposite direction, desperate to get fresh air and hoping the rest of my family was behind me. Everyone got out safely. It was around 5:15AM, way too early for a Sunday morning. As everyone gather outside, family members asked around, worried for their loved ones, it took a while, but the fire department came just in time. I'm glad no one was hurt. Many took shelter at the McDonalds across the street, just waiting to be let back inside. As I sat drinking orange pekoe tea and eating my carrot muffin, I could help but worry for the injured pigeon that was sleeping on my balcony. 4 days ago, my mom had found the poor thing in one of her pots, its left eye swollen, right wing broken and most of the feathers on its head pecked off but that didn't stop us from helping it. As the days flew by, it looked like it was improving but, its twisted neck still worries me. About 45 minutes later, everything was clear. The source of the inferno...apartment 523. It was the work of an arsonist or so I believe. The fire was set intentionally as if to kill someone. Roughly, 6 months ago, someone had accidentally dropped their lit cigarette into dumpster at the back of the complex. Everyone had to evacuate and stand in the frigid cold, I was not there for I was at Co-op. The first three years of living in Palace, things seemed to be very smooth...nothing out of the ordinary happens just recently, everything seems to be getting out of hand meaning this once peaceful area was now becoming like the rest of the city. There was nowhere safe to run.

P.S. It was my first ever fire drill that could have cost me my life if I didn't wake up when I did.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Bizarre Name Changes

May 12;
So I was just watching BT or Breakfast Television and it so happens that they were talking about bizarre name changes. I just couldn't believe it, their original names were really good names yet, they go through all that trouble to get their names. The first one was Stormhead Deathclaw Firebrand like what the heck? You sound like some store bought brand for a screwdriver or some tool. The second was Happy Spanners. This guy's friends wrote random words on small pieces of paper and dropped into a hat. The guy then stuck his hand into the hat and drew two words...sadly those 2 words was Happy and Spanners. The third guy was probably insane but his name was Alfonzo Mufasa something something something something Ball in a Cup something Brown. Apparently he took cartoon characters and a bunch of Youtube video titles and made that his name...just imagine trying to get into a restaurant or pass airport security with that longggggggggggggggggggggggg name. Guess they'll be onto you more and have fun trying to convince them that it is your real name, I doubt they would believe you though. That's my rant for today.


Sunday, May 9, 2010

Bus Trip was Epic!

May 9;
So I was like coming home from tutoring on the 54 bus woot. Btw, HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY.
There was this Chinese guy with his mom...she was talking quite loudly while I was trying not to drop my mom's present. You won't believe how difficult it was. Anyways, the Chinese lady was on the phone screaming her head off...couple of minutes later, she hangs up..nothing special, right? Wrong! When the bus stopped at Don Mills, an old lady gets on and sits down next to the Chinese lady..Chinese lady suddenly coughs violently without covering her mouth. The old lady tells her to cover her mouth and then a fight breaks out. The Chinese lady half way through the verbal turns to me and starts yelling at what am I suppose to do in this situation. First of all, I'm only half Canto and she was speaking Mando and frankly, I don't understand Chinese at all. She was probably screaming at me to help her but what she did was wrong. WHERE WAS HER SON IN ALL OF THIS?! JUST SITTING CHILLING LIKE NOTHING IS FUCKING HAPPENING! I was glad that lady's spit didn't get onto my mom's cinnamon bun(Yes, my mom's mother's day gift was a cinnamon bun). The old lady got off at her stop and when Chinese lady and her son were getting off at their stop several minutes later, her son apologizes for his mother's actions. I was nice enough to accept the apology but I think to myself.."THANKS FOR HELPING ME YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE..SOME SON YOU ARE FOR NOT BEING ABLE TO CONTROL YOUR MOM!" Whew...what a rant. Time to get some shuteye :]

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Dear Semester Two,

Let's start off the new semester with a I FRIGGIN HATE YOU COURSE SELECTION COMPUTER! How on earth did I somehow ended up with an unbalanced schedule for the year?! C'mon, like really...first semester was world history (whatever I like it), link crew (awesome) and co-op (even more awesome) but notice what a easy semester it was for me for semester two I beg to differ. functions, biology, chemistry and english. then there's physics for night school. nothing is going according to plan. i have a feeling that i might even fail math for the first time in my life and have to take a remedial summer school course for that. FML! on top of that, the textbook company that was suppose to come yesterday and sell textbooks to me and the other students who didn't the chance to buy them..failed to show up. hopefully, they show up tomorrow or else, i'm pretty much dead meat.

Thursday, January 7, 2010


I can't believe I haven't updated since September ahahahas
*sighs* College is finally over...and I have about a week left at my co-op placement. It was so sad today for of the residents that I worked with passed away this morning. I was so heartbroken from the news that I couldn't even cry. When I got home and told my mom...I broke down into tears..I felt like it wasn't fair for her to go. My mom says everyone will come to their time where they have to go and they have no choice because it's their destiny. It was what God's decision. So whoever reads this and goes to DMT, just leave me be for a few minutes. It's not that easy when you have connected with the residents there and then to get the unexpected news. It really is. The deaths before this one didn't really hurt as much as this one. This is another resident on a different floor that I have connected with very well and it looks like she's near her time to go too. I'm just hoping she stays alive a bit longer.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Wow....such a long time.

Well ever since the school year started...It's been harder to log on and blog unlike today, I have a lot of time. A lot of things happened within a month, and I mean it. Grade 9 Orientation, Co-op Interview and college at such an early age.

Grade 9 Orientation went pretty well...I guess. Got called a prostitute by a niner but he's gonna pay for it one day. The group of freshmen this year but pretty snobby and bitch-like (Just referring to the girls btw)I keep getting this horrible vibe from them. They even think we're so lame to do this but, hey, it's not our idea, okay? We want to help adjust to this school and that's how you think of us?!

Co-op interview was scheduled for yesterday @ 4 PM. It was pretty short. LOL, I struggled to get out of the place..there was this code to punch in to open the door and it kept getting stuck or the code was activated for like 20 secs. I'm the only one in my class working in a nursing home but I know I'm going to like it there. I actually met a few of the seniors on my way in and out and seemed happy to have me around.

College in grade 11?! That's what most of you think at the moment. It's part of Co-op. So every Tuesdays and Thursdays, me and 9 other students head off to Humber College - North Campus for a 2 hour lecture. I actually love college more than high school for some reason. My professor Brian Doyle (he prefers Brian)is such a cool guy, and makes Social Psychology more fun then it actually is.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Adopted Brother's Wedding :D

Man. Last evening was the best. My brother Jayson finally got married. Wedding was pretty awesome. LOL not the average Viet wedding that's for sure. A lot of food and techno music. LMFAO so funny to see older people dancing. He was actually fine with me changing to regular clothes and cwalking at his wedding how awesome, is that?! Too bad I didn't record it, memory card got jammed before I had the chance to. Oh I'm taking a temporarily break from it, more time to practice and get pro and get more subscribers. I'm getting back into Melbourne Shuffle :D Oh yeah, when I get back to Toronto, I have to get my 4 wisdom teeth removed...dang, a wackload of medication and swollen cheeks and walking out of there after 4 hours looking a drunk <-- real attractive, no? anyways, i'm dying here in my brother's huge ass basement (i swear you can fit 40 people or more there)because he's cheap and uses fans during the day and turns the A/C on at night XD i'll be back in T.Dot August 30 =D awwww, gonna miss another cwalk meetup FML.

Current Mood; Good..wanna shuffle like no tomorrow.