The Way I Am - Eminem

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Dear Semester Two,

Let's start off the new semester with a I FRIGGIN HATE YOU COURSE SELECTION COMPUTER! How on earth did I somehow ended up with an unbalanced schedule for the year?! C'mon, like really...first semester was world history (whatever I like it), link crew (awesome) and co-op (even more awesome) but notice what a easy semester it was for me for semester two I beg to differ. functions, biology, chemistry and english. then there's physics for night school. nothing is going according to plan. i have a feeling that i might even fail math for the first time in my life and have to take a remedial summer school course for that. FML! on top of that, the textbook company that was suppose to come yesterday and sell textbooks to me and the other students who didn't the chance to buy them..failed to show up. hopefully, they show up tomorrow or else, i'm pretty much dead meat.